Sunday 1 January 2012

New year 2012.....New start???....New me???????????

Christmas is done and dusted!!! And what a good one it was!! Although would have been better if Hubby wasn't at work all the time :P

So anyhow, I decided a few days back that now IS the time to quit my dirty habbit of Smoking! I started smoking when I was 12.....peer pressure, and got a taste for it and it went on from there. I have tried to quit a handfull of times but only managed to pull it off whenever I have been Pregnant, no more Babies for me so now is the time to do this for myself, Steve and the Children I now have.

I went to a New years party last night and had previously decided that the 31 December 2011 would be my final day of puffing away.......Sooooo I smoked like a trooper!!  When I got home I drowned my remaing Fags under the tap, Screwed them uo and threw them in the Bin, GONE!

I have managed to get  through the day today with a few insances where I have simply gotten up to go 'have a fag', only to realise I dont actually have any. Instead I have been filling my time drinking loads of various Herbal teas...Oh and raiding the desserts out the Freezer...Oopsie!

Have had tingly hands and aching muscles today, and a banging Migraine to go with it all....Withdrawl symptoms I guess?!?!????

Have had not a lot of tolerance towards the Kids today though I must admit, feel bad for them...Phyco Mummy has come to town!!! :(

Both the Girls and me cant wait for School to open on Wednesday, we are all bored and the Girls are treading on each others toes so I think the School term couldnt come quick enough if i'm sad as it sounds, I should be enjoying having them home but they appear to hate each others guts atm!!

I have had insomnia for at least two weeks, it's really hacking me off, far too many worries on my mind so that plus gallons of Diet coke evry day makes for a bad combination. I have ditched the Coke along with the Fags for now!

Im hoping that yesterday (as it's now 1.20 am) was the start of something positive and over time I will carm down and not be too bothered about smoking, need to do this for Me and my family and with me turning 28 a month from today I think its long over due that I sort myself and my lifestyle out and make 2012 a good year, there are many due changes to be made!!!!!!!!!

Monday 12 December 2011

Ho! Ho! Ho! It's almost Christmas!! :)

And so, the wonderer returns lol. And there was me thinking this blog was forever to be lost into the world of the Internet....I finally managed to recall my log in details!!! (This is a tendency of mine, I forget everything...I sometime wonder if I'll forget where I left my Kids!!! ;P )

So Chrismas is on the Horizon....Not a single prezzie brought but the Tree is up! The freezers are full! And the Kids will get sorted some point along the line....I hope! Only down side to Christmas this year is that my Husband Steve is going to be at work Christmas eve and boxing day so only have him home for Xmas day, IF the poor sod can stay awake that is!

Tommorow my darling Jaybea will be in her first ever Nativity play, she will be playing the role of Mary!!!! How proud am I!! I thougt it lovely her teacher Mr Fahey had given her the part, think she'll be ace! Kids break up for the Holidays on Friday just hope my girls can and will play nice, they seem to hate each other at the moment, Gawd!!!

Anyway, enough of my Drivvel, I'm offski! If I forget my log in details (yet again) in the mean time, Merry Chistmas!! Have fun, eat well, enjoy family time, get p155ed!!!

Sunday 18 September 2011

Im sure Ive been here and done this before...

Im sure I have been here and done this before, however I cant remeber the log in details it's been so long! Hey ho, new start! This one will proberly follow in the foot steps of the previous one never to be found ever again, well by me anyway!!!